Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee
Biplob the Bumblebee is the world's first ever eco - Warrior Superhero. These audio - books feature stories from the books 'Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee'.Each story is a rollicking adventure, where Biplob introduces children to various concepts related to the environment, tackling climate change and understanding how nature has a solution for everything - we just have to find it!
Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee
Waste to Gold
The Best Garden Competition is here!!!
Will Biplob and friends manage to come up with an idea to beat farmer Jaggu this year? After all, Jaggu has loads of money and can get the most expensive and exotic flowers for his garden.
There is no hope for Biplob's garden, unless he thinks of something that is innovative and different - like he says, nature has a solution for everything, we just have to find it!
Biplob storybooks and merchandise available on https://biplobworld.com/products/combo9-biplob-storybook-1-to-7-colouring-books-1-to-9